Support The SmallEiffel FAQ The first place you should look at when you have a question about SmallEiffel is [1]the SmallEiffel FAQ. We try to keep it short but precise in order to maximize its usefulness. Please tell us if you do feel something important is really missing. If you have questions which are related to Eiffel, but not specific to SmallEiffel, you are likely to find your answer in our [2]Eiffel resources. The SmallEiffel mailing list The SmallEiffel FAQ is complemented by the [3]SmallEiffel mailing list. Whenever one of your questions related to SmallEiffel was not answered by the SmallEiffel FAQ, you are welcome to ask it in the mailing list. Consulting and premium support Basically, SmallEiffel The GNU Eiffel compiler does not come with any warranty or support. However, if you do want a warranty and/or an extended support, it's easy to get. You just have to pay a reasonable fee. The higher the fee, the better the support :-) Consulting and courses are also available to discuss specific needs you have in your business. Here are samples of the covered areas: * Object-oriented design * Object-oriented technologies * Computer languages * Compiler technology and implementation * Audit Corporations interested either by consulting or by premium support can [4]contact us for further information. Donations Donations of money are also accepted. If you use SmallEiffel at work to do your job or for teaching, perhaps you would consider it appropriate for your company (or for your university) to make a donation. Donations Status : * Total number of donations: 1 * Total amount of donations: US $100 * Maximum amount in a single donation: US $100 * Minimum amount in a single donation: US $100 * Date of the first donation: Tuesday September 1st, 1998 * Date of the last donation: Tuesday September 1st, 1998 [Line] Copyright © Dominique COLNET and Suzanne COLLIN - [5] Last update: 22 June 1999, by OZ. References 1. file://localhost/home/colnet/SmallEiffel/man/man/SmallEiffelFAQ.html 2. file://localhost/home/colnet/SmallEiffel/man/general/resources.html 3. file://localhost/home/colnet/SmallEiffel/man/support/mailing-list.html 4. 5.